Marina Alta

Zoom and Click on any Ayuntamiento for more information and a link to their web site.

The ayuntamiento is found at the heart of every village, this is where you should register on the “Padron” and request a copy of your “Empadronamiento”.

The Padron is a municipal census record, much like an electoral role.  It is obligatory to register on the padron if you intend to stay for at least 6 months per year.

To register on the padron you will need the following;

  • Your passport along with a copy of the same
  • Proof of address; escritura (property deeds) or utility bill

You need your empadronamiento for the following;

  • Opening a bank account
  • Registering for school
  • Buying and selling a vehicle
  • Voting
  • Applying for residency
  • Applying for Health Card
  • Requesting local services; water, gas, electric, etc.

The ayuntamiento is also the place to go for local information, and numerous licences such as building permissions and bonfire licences.