NIE Number

The NIE (Numero de Identidad de Extranjero) is the Spanish identification number for non native spanish citizens.


  • Purchasing Real Estate
  • Purchasing Vehicle
  • Enroling into the Spanish Education System
  • Working
  • There are many other scenarios where you could be asked for your NIE number

NIE Application Process

There are three ways you can apply for a NIE

  1. Apply in person in Spain, follow steps below or contact me for assistance
  2. Use a representative in Spain to apply for you, they must have a POA in Spanish and appostilled by the Hague Convention
  3. Apply in a Spanish Consulate located in the country you are currently resident

Step 1 - Make Appointment

Step 2 - Complete Application Form

Step 4 - Take the following documents to your Appointment

  1. Appointment Form (from Step 1)
  2. Application Form x 2
  3. Tax Payment Forms, stamped by bank or with ATM Reciept (from Step 3)
  4. Passport
  5. Copy of Passport
  6. Passport size photograph